2021Living in Amsterdam? You are to late!
Shortage of housing & housing that is not affordable. The Netherlands is in the middle of a housing crisis, that is the result of years of failing government policy. Protestmarch, #woonprotest, Amsterdam
Magazine design, layout & concept by slaws, cover artwork Yuri Veerman – Z!, de Amsterdamse Straatkrant, z-krant.nl
2021Never in the red again
End period poverty and periodshaming — Make menstrual products free
#mhday #periodproductsbill #freeperiodproducts #periodpositive #zkrantgivesapad
Magazine design, layout and cover artwork & concept by slaws – Z!, de Amsterdamse Straatkrant, z-krant.nl
Original poster by Opland, ‘Geen nieuwe kernwapens in Europa’, No new nuclear weapons in Europe, 1981
2019Another UN climate chanage summit fail…
In the meanwhile: Bijvoetbrug, Atlantis by Utskottet – amsterdamlightfestival.com
2019Jodenbreestraat, Academy of Theatre and Dance