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Bikes versus cars

The bicycle, an amazing tool for change. Activists and cities all over the world are moving towards a new system. But will the economic powers allow it? Bikes vs Cars, a new film project from BANANAS! and Big Boys Gone Bananas! director Fredrik Gertten, looks into and investigates the daily global drama in traffic around the world.Fact: By increasing cycling from 1% to 1,5% of all trips, the US alone could import 462 million fewer gallons a year.

If you can just imagine 20% fewer cars on the street, I mean that alone is like an idea that makes you happy.


Amsterdam light festival

The other Amsterdam light festival

Gysi: “I’m completely sick of this cowardice”

Gregor Gysi (Die Linke) in the Bundestag on 18/11/2013 on Germany’s non-sovereignty and the NSA scandal. (german spoken / english subtitles)

Last impression of what we lose

Chasing Ice is a 2012 documentary film about the efforts of photographer James Balog and his Extreme Ice Survey to publicize the effects of climate change, directed by Jeff Orlowski.

The ultimate phone – Phonebloks

A modular phone trying to change the way electronics are made in order to create less waste.