
Refuse seperation

Z! #08-2021

Never in the red again
End period poverty and periodshaming — Make menstrual products free
#mhday #periodproductsbill #freeperiodproducts #periodpositive #zkrantgivesapad
Magazine design, layout and cover artwork & concept by slaws – Z!, de Amsterdamse Straatkrant, z-krant.nl

Been there, done that

NDSM-plein 85

Changed adres


Same building, street and zip-code as before, different house number.


Allemaal Haarlemmers

Allemaal Haarlemmers, exhibition in Museum Haarlem, www.museumhaarlem.nl
Bureau Caspar Conijn, graphic design slaws

‘Progress & harmony for mankind’

Colorfull Japan, www.stedelijk.nl

So ein Ding

So ein Ding muss ich auch haben / Such a Thing I also Need, 1961
Video, black & white by Albert Mertz, Jørgen Nash and SPUR, music Jean Dubuffet and Asger Jorn
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, shown at the exhibition Pinball Wizard with works of Jacqueline de Jong
#artbrut #situationistinternational #homoludens #experimentalfilm #post-war #wirtschaftswunder #consumer #society #bourgeoise #1961

Audemus jura nostra defendere

Barbara Kruger Untitled (Your Body is a Battleground), 1989

Last chance – Last week

Gaudi and the Amsterdam School, exhibition in Museum Het Schip, www.hetschip.nl
Graphic design Bureau Caspar Conijn & slaws

