2017Hoogte Kadijk
‘End of line. All out. Please remember to take your personal beliefs with you.’
Tom Callemin, Man with child, detail
Solo exhibition An ode to slowness, Brakke Grond, www.tomcallemin.com
Hans Rosling (* 27. Juli 1948 – † 7. Februar 2017) Physician and statistician, who favoured the vision that the world(politics) should be based merely on facts. He was one of the initiators of Doctors Without Borders and co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation.
Sweden’s Deputy Prime Minister Isabella Lovin signed a proposal for the Scandinavian country’s new climate law, binding all future governments to net zero emissions by 2045.
image: Johan Schiff/AP, twitter.com/isabellalovin/status
Alexander Krack, ‘morgens nüchtern, am Brunnen, zu Bett’
Save the date: Saturday, January 21, 2017
womensmarch.com, pussyhatproject.com
Daily scrape off from the artificial ice-rink at the Museumplein
Museumplein, EVERY1-march for a diverse society in the Netherlands at it’s final destination.
Uncrowded fair preview. Detail from Christto & Andrew, Lucidity & intuition.